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Soulbinder is an Overlord class that introduces the Scourge servant. Servants are the Overlord equivalent of a familiar, that he can summon onto the battlefield to attack the heroes. Servants are unique in that the Overlord always has access to the servant card after he has bought it, he does not need to draw it from the deck.

The Overlord can also buy various upgrade cards for his Scourge, but these need to be drawn from the deck as normal.

Name XP Type Text
[[Ill Omen|]] [[:Category:Template:OverlordCardTypeCategory|Template:ValidateOverlordCardType]]
[[Feast (Unkindness)|]] [[:Category:Template:OverlordCardTypeCategory|Template:ValidateOverlordCardType]]
[[Beneath the Shadow|]] [[:Category:Template:OverlordCardTypeCategory|Template:ValidateOverlordCardType]]
[[Envelop|]] [[:Category:Template:OverlordCardTypeCategory|Template:ValidateOverlordCardType]]
[[Imitation|]] [[:Category:Template:OverlordCardTypeCategory|Template:ValidateOverlordCardType]]
Call of the Ravens 1 [[:Category:Template:OverlordCardTypeCategory|Template:ValidateOverlordCardType]] When purchased, place this card in your play area. This card cannot be discarded or shuffled into your deck.
Exhaust this card at the start of your turn and choose 1 monster. Place 1 Raven Flock Servant token in a space adjacent to that monster. Then, that monster suffers 4 Heart.
Beware 1 [[:Category:Template:OverlordCardTypeCategory|Template:ValidateOverlordCardType]] Play this card on 1 servant at the end of your turn and keep this card in your play area. This servant gains:
Skittish: Each time a hero within 3 spaces of this figure suffers 1 Fatigue to gain 1 movement point, this monster may move 1 space.
Discard this card if this servant is defeated.
Sudden Flurry 2 [[:Category:Template:OverlordCardTypeCategory|Template:ValidateOverlordCardType]] Play this card when you activate a servant during your turn. Perform 1 additional attack with that servant. This attack affects each hero within 2 spaces of the servant.
Name XP Type Text
Grotesque 1 Magic Play this card when a hero adjacent to a servant declares an attack.

That hero test Willpower. If he passes, he suffers 2 Fatigue. If he fails, he is Terrified.

Ties that bind 1 Event When purchased, place this card in your play area. This card cannot be discarded or shuffled into your deck.
Exhaust this card when a non-servant monster is defeated. Place 1 Scourge Servant token in that monster's space
Restless Spirit 1 Event Play this card on 1 servant at the end of your turn and keep this card in your play area.

This servant applies +2 to its Speed while this card is in your play area.

Discard this card if this servant is defeated.

Possessive 1 Trap Play this card when a hero defeats a servant. That hero suffers 2 Heart.

Then, if that hero was not defeated, perform an attack with that hero as if he were one of your monsters.

Dark Silhouette 1 Trap Play this card when a hero declares an attack that targets another non-large monster within 3 spaces of a servant.

Place that monster in the servant's space and that servant in the target space.

That servant is now the target of this attack.

Unblinking 2 Event Play this card at the end of a servant's activation.

Each hero in line of sight of that servant may choose to suffer either 2 Fatigue or 4Heart, draw 1 Overlord card.

Haunted Steps 2 Trap Play this card on 1 servant when a hero adjacent to that servant exits its current space. Move that servant 1 space, and keep this card in your play area.

Each time a hero adjacent to this servant exits a space, you may move this servant 1 space.

Discard this card if this servant is defeated.

Danse Macabre 3 Magic Play this card at the start of a servant's activation.

Trace a path of 4 spaces starting in a space adjacent to that servant.

Each hero on that path suffers Fatigue up to his Stamina.

Then, move that servant and each of those heroes up to 3 spaces.