
From Descent-Community Wiki 1.2
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Item should be used for all Item pages.


The infobox may be added by pasting the template as shown below into an article. Any parameters which are left blank or omitted will not appear in the published article.

| name = 
| range = 
| buy = 
| sell = 
| type = 
| text = 
| worn = 
| dice = 


Parameter Explanation
name The name of the item, default is the page's title
range The range type of the item, either Melee, Ranged, or -
buy The cost to purchase the item if it's purchasable, otherwise use -
sell The value of the item when sold back. This is 1/2 * Buy rounded down to the nearest 25.
type The type of the item
text The text on the item card
worn The worn location, either 1 Hand, 2 Hands, Armor, Misc, or Other
dice Any dice associated with the item if it's a weapon or armor


The following categories are built into the template:

  - Items