Plot deck
Plot decks, are a set of action cards available for the Overlord player, acquired from the Lieutenant Packs associated with the second edition of Descent: Journeys in the Dark, together with the necessary Threat Tokens. These cards are used and acquired separately from its normal deck. They offer new tactical options themed around a specific lieutenant.
At the beginning of a campaign, one Plot Deck is chosen, and its starting card placed face up in the Overlords play area. After quests, the Overlord chooses to spend his threat tokens to acquire new Plot cards. To activate these during an encounter, the overlord has to forfeit one or more of the same tokens to the heroes, which passes then to be a Fortune Token that works to their benefit.
Available plot decks
- Hybrid Loyalty - Belthir Lieutenant Pack
- Cursed by Power - Merick Farrow Lieutenant Pack
- Endless Thirst - Eliza Farrow Lieutenant Pack
- Goblin Uprising - Splig Lieutenant Pack
- The Fallen Elite - Alric Farrow Lieutenant Pack
- Seeds of Betrayal - Zachareth Lieutenant Pack
- Dragon's Greed - Valyndra Lieutenant Pack
- Raging Infection - Bol'Goreth Lieutenant Pack
- Skullduggery - Raythen Lieutenant Pack
- Silent Protector - Serena Lieutenant Pack
- Tangled Web - Queen Ariad Lieutenant Pack
- Dark Illusions - Ariad Lieutenant Pack
- Inner Corruption - Rylan Olliven Lieutenant Pack
- Unstable Forces - Tristayne Olliven Lieutenant Pack
- Unseen Legions - Verminous Lieutenant Pack
- Burning Ambition - Mirklace Lieutenant Pack
- Twisted Soul - Skarn Lieutenant Pack