Raise Dead

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Raise Dead
Raise Dead
Hero: Mage
Class: Necromancer
Card Stats
Card Type: Skill
Play Cost: 1 Fatigue
Necromancer starting card
DJ01 Base Game
Action: Place your Reanimate familiar token in an empty space adjacent to you.
You may only control 1 Reanimate at a time. You may discard your Reanimate token at any time during your turn.



This card used to show the text below, but was changed to the above text in the FAQ: Source[1]

 : Place your Reanimate familiar token in a space adjacent to you.
You may only control 1 Reanimate at a time. You may discard your Reanimate token at any time during your turn.

The change was made to clarify that the Reanimate can only be place in an empty space adjacent to you.

Can the Necromancer activate his Reanimate familiar at the start of his turn, voluntarily destroy it, spend an action during his turn to create a new Reanimate familiar, and then activate this new Reanimate at the end of his turn?
No, a familiar can only be activated once per round. Even though the Reanimate was removed and placed again, it is still the same familiar.
Source[2] official FAQ v1.6 page 4

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